Barker GT. Instructions in the preparation, administration, and properties of nitrous oxide, protoxide of nitrogen, or laughing gas, 1866.

WLMD ID: adoj

Catalog Record: Barker GT. Instructions in the preparation, administration, and properties of nitrous oxide, protoxide of nitrogen, or laughing gas, 1866.

Title: Instructions in the preparation, administration, and properties of nitrous oxide, protoxide of nitrogen, or laughing gas / George T. Barker.

AccessKey: adoj

Author: Barker, George T.

WLM Call Number: WO 278 N7 B255i 1866 RB

Accession NO.: Copy 1, RB9341 ; Copy 2, RB9342

Publisher: Philadelphia : Rubencame and Stockton, 1866.

Physical Description: 61 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Subject: Nitrous Oxide.

Type of Trace: Cover Title
Title: Instructions in nitrous oxide.

Abstract: Barker shares his experience using nitrous oxide. Barker intended his
work to complement Ziegler’s work on the medical properties and
applications of nitrous oxide by including topics not described by
Ziegler, such as the preparation and administration of the gas. He
also mentions the experiments of Sir Humphry Davy and his friends,
physicians John Tobin, and Peter Roget. Barker credits Horace Wells
for reviving nitrous oxide as an anesthetic forty-four years after Sir
Humphry Davy had suggested it.

Content Notes: On the preparation of nitrous oxide — The apparatus for preparation of
nitrous oxide — The introduction of nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic —
mode of administration — Chemical properties of nitrous oxide —
Physiological properties of nitrous oxide — Conditions in which
nitrous oxide is contraindicated — Alleged deaths from inhalation of
nitrous oxide — Conclusion.

General Notes: Digitized by Northern Micrographics August 23, 2010.

General Notes: Donated to the WLM by Dr. John B. Stetson.