B.B. Sankey, M.D.*

B.B. Sankey, M.D.*


Dr. B.B. Sankey, of Cleveland, Ohio, assumed the Office of President of the American Society
of Anesthesiologists at the conclusion of the Annual Session of the House of Delegates in
Cincinnati on October 27, 1954.

He succeeds Dr. Stevens J. Martin of Hartford, CT. Dr. Sankey has served as First Vice
President of the Society and for a number of years as Chairman of the ASA Committee on Public
Policy and Public Relations. It has been largely through his foresight and untiring efforts that the
professional and economic status of the Specialty has so greatly improved during the past few

The Society is indeed fortunate to have as its leader a man with such clarity of thought,
earnestness of purpose, integrity of action, and one with such broad experience in all matters
affecting the policies and business of the Society.

ASA Newsletter. 1954;18(12).