The Mission of the Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology (WLM) is to “Advance Anesthesiology by Preserving and Sharing its Heritage and Knowledge.”
The Wood Library-Museum is governed by a Board of Trustees of nine anesthesiologists who collectively envision the Wood Library-Museum’s growth with a completely integrated collection of books, multimedia materials, rare books, current literature and artifacts. Committees, appointed yearly, serve the Wood Library-Museum as expert consultants.
The Wood Library-Museum provides contemporary and historical reference services by mail and e-mail, by telephone, fax or in person. Online literature searches and photocopies are available upon request. Resources from the Wood Library-Museum are provided as a service to ASA members and on a fee basis for non-members.
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The Wood Library-Museum maintains a collection of photographs and electronic images related to the history of anesthesia. The collection documents events and illustrates equipment. Images are available upon request.
The Wood Library-Museum has artifacts and memorabilia appropriate for displays or special exhibits. These may be loaned upon special arrangement with the library staff and the Museum Curator.
The Wood Library-Museum functions similar to a university press, publishing scholarly works on the development of anesthesiology, available at our online bookstore.