Takaoka Vaporizer
Takaoka Vapor-Kettle 1425
Brazilian anesthesiologist Kentaro Takaoka, M.D. was born in 1919. He had wanted to be an engineer, but dutifully followed in his father’s footsteps instead, and obtained his medical degree in 1944. He put both his engineering and medical skills to work in 1957, when he founded a company to produce equipment of his own design. Based in his home town, Saõ Paulo, Brazil, K. Takaoka Industria e Comércio Ltda. grew to manufacture many types of anesthesia equipment.
Made in the 1990s, the Vapor Kettle 1425 was an accessory to Takaoka's computerized anesthesia machines. It was capable of vaporizing any of four liquid inhalation anesthetics, halothane, enflurane, isoflurane or sevoflurane. It was probably named after the Copper Kettle vaporizer, the first highly accurate vaporizer that could be calibrated for several different agents. One component of the 1425 is the glass vaporizing bottle mounted on its right side; this was a version of the Takaoka Universal Vaporizer, introduced in 1965.
The example shown here was donated to the WLM by Kentaro Takaoka, M.D.
Catalog Record: Takaoka Vaporizer Takoaka Kettle
Access Key: aqte
Accession No.: 1993-03-03-1
Title: Takaoka vapor-kettle 1425.
Corporate Author: K.Takaoka Industria e Comercio Ltda.
Publisher: Saõ Paulo, Brazil : K.Takaoka Industria e Comércio Ltda., [ca. 1990s].
Physical Description: 1 vaporizer : metals, plastics, glass ; 36 x 23 x 27 cm.
Subject: Anesthesia, Inhalation – instrumentation.
Subject: Vaporizers.
Subject: Halothane.
Subject: Enflurane – instrumentation.
Subject: Isoflurane.
Subject: Sevoflurane.
Note Type: General
Notes: The date range is based on the few published resources found by the cataloger.
Described with the flowmeters facing forward.
Note Type: Citation
Notes: Aldrete JA. Original contributions of Latin-Americans to anesthesia. Bull Anesthesia History. April, 2002;20(2):1.
Note Type: Citation
Notes: Biblioteca do Departmento per imagem da Universidade Federal de Saõ Paulo website. http://bibliotecaddiunifesp.blogspot.com/2012/09/revista-conta-historia-do-medico.html. Accessed May 9, 2016.
Note Type: Citation
Notes: Pereira F, Vilhena G, Nunes JMC, Costa RL. Mamoplastia redutora na faculdade de medicina do ABC-25anos de evolucao. Arquivos Medicos. 1999:21-31.
Note Type: Citation
Notes: Takaoka K. Takaoka’s universal vaporizer. Rev Bras Anesthesiol. January-March, 1965;15(1):18-24.
Note Type: Citation
Notes: Takaoka Company File. Archives. Located at: Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology, Schaumburg, Illinois.
Note Type: Citation
Notes: Venturini, AH. A history of anesthesia in South America. In: Eger, Edmond I. 2nd., Lawrence J. Saidman, and Rod N. Westhorpe, eds. The Wondrous Story of Anaesthesia. New York: Springer, 2014.
Note Type: Physical Description
Notes: One vaporizer; The front of the unit has three functional sections: The upper left is occupied by two flowmeters, the upper right is occupied by labels, and the lower third is occupied by a rectangular display; The flowmeter on the left is marked: “VAPORIZADOR [new line] [K/T logo] [new line] 20â° C 101 kPa [new line] VAP [new line] ml/min” Below this the tube is marked, from top to bottom: “300, 200, 140, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10″ [new line] Lietura no meio du esfera”; Below this flowmeter there is a black plastic knob marked: “VAPORIZADOR”; A bracket that covers the front of this knob guards it from being turned unintentionally; The flowmeter on the right is marked: “VAPORIZADOR [new line] [K/T logo] [new line] 20â° C 101 kPa [new line] VAP [new line] ml/min” Below this the tube is marked, from top to bottom: “800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 350″ [new line] Lietura no meio du esfera”;
To the right of these flowmeters, the unit is marked, reading from top to bottom: “TAKAOKA [new line] VAPOR-KETTLE [new line] microprocessado [new line] 1425 [new line] Plus [new line] EQUIPPADO COM DILUMATIC [new line] AGENTE [new line] HALOTHANE [new line] ENFLURANE [new line] ISOFLURANE [new line] SEVOFLURANE”; Below this text there is a black plastic dial labeled “CONCENTRACAO %”; From left to right, the settings of the dial read: “0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5,4.0, 4.5, 5.0”; Below this dial is a horizontal row of three knobs; That knob on the right is labeled: “TIPO [new line] DISPLAY”; That knob in the center is labeled: “RESET [new line] CRONOMETRO”; That knob on the right is labeled: “LIGA [new line] DESL”; Below this appears the text: “Adjustar o borbulhamento indicado abaixo”; Below this is a rectangular monitor screen; The foot of the front panel is marked: “PAT. REQ.” and “PATENTE MUNDIAL”;
The right side of the unit holds a glass vaporizer jar near the front edge; This jar is marked with two sets of graduated lines; That group of lines on the left are marked, from top to bottom: “1 div. = 5 cc [new line] 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10”; These markings are repeated on the opposite side of the jar; That group of lines on the right are marked “1 div = 2.5 cc”; The top of the jar has a conical metal fill port with a black plastic cap;
Beside the vaporizer jar (behind it when seen from the front) there is a vertical row of three elements: That on the left is a black plastic push-button labeled: “RESPIRO DO VAPORIZADOR”; A knob in the middle is labeled: “DISPLAY [new line] CONTRASTE”; A knob on the right is labeled: “FLUXO [new line] CALIBRACAO”; Behind and below the vaporizer jar is a plastic connector with a metal insert; This connector is labeled: “SAIDA”;
The back of the unit contains several components; At the upper left there is a white plastic disc marked “SENSOR PAR [new line] LAMPADA”; At the upper right there is a metal port marked “ENTRADA [new line] DE GASES”; Approximately in the center there is a metal label plate that reads: “[K/T logo] [new line] K. TAKAOKA [new line] MODELO 1425-P [new line] SERIE No. 12 [new line] Ind. Brasileira”; Below this plate is a four-digit register with a toggle switch that can be adjusted with a single finger to read any number from 0000 to 9999; This dial is labeled “ALTITUDE [new line] Metros”; Below and to the left of this dial there is a single-digit register with a toggle switch that can be adjusted with a single finger to read any of four digits, 1, 2, 3 or 4; This dial is labeled: “AGENTE [new line] 1. HALOTHANE [new line] 2. ENFLURANE [new line] 3. ISOFLURANE [new line] 4. SEVOFLURANE”; Below and to the right of the label plate is another plate that reads: “VOLTAGEM [new line] 110V – 120V”; [continued]
Note Type: Physical Description
Notes: [Continued:] Also on the back, at the bottom left, there is a three-prong receptacle labeled: “TOMADA ELECTRICA [new line] FUSIVEL 0.5 A [new line] VERIFICADA VOLTAGEM”; To the right of this there is a receptacle for an electronic power cord; This is labeled “VOLTAGEM [new line] 100V-220V [new line] SAIDA R5-232C”; A metal bracket crosses the back of the unit; This bracket is used to attach the unit to an anesthesia machine; The base of the unit is unmarked.
Note Type: Reproduction
Notes: Photographed by Mr. Steve Donisch, January 15, 2018.
Note Type: Acquisition
Notes: Purchase.
Note Type: Historical
Notes: Brazilian anesthesiologist Kentaro Takaoka, M.D. was born in 1919. He had wanted to be an engineer, but dutifully followed in his father’s footsteps instead, and obtained his medical degree in 1944. He put both his engineering and medical skills to work in 1957, when he founded a company to produce equipment of his own design. Based in his home town, Saõ Paulo, Brazil, K. Takaoka Industria e Comércio Ltda. grew to manufacture many types of anesthesia equipment.
Made in the 1990s, the Vapor Kettle 1425 was an accessory to Takaoka’s computerized anesthesia machines. It was capable of vaporizing any of four liquid inhalation anesthetics, halothane, enflurane, isoflurane or sevoflurane. It was probably named after the Copper Kettle vaporizer, the first highly accurate vaporizer that could be calibrated for several different agents. One component of the 1425 is the glass vaporizing bottle mounted on its right side; this was a version of the Takaoka Universal Vaporizer, introduced in 1965.
Note Type: Exhibition
Notes: Selected for the WLM website.
Note Type: Acquisition
Notes: Gift of Kentaro Takaoka, M.D., facilitated by Carlos Parsloe, M.D.