Robinson J. A treatise on the inhalation of the vapour of ether, for the prevention of pain in surgical operations, containing a numerous collection of cases in which it has been applied, with the names of the operators : history of the discovery–description of the apparatus–method of preparing the ether–remarks as to the time when the operation should commence, etc., 1847.
Catalog Record: Robinson J. A treatise on the inhalation of the vapour of ether, for the prevention of pain in surgical operations, containing a numerous collection of cases in which it has been applied, with the names of the operators : history of the discovery–description of the apparatus–method of preparing the ether–remarks as to the time when the operation should commence, etc., 1847.
Title: A treatise on the inhalation of the vapour of ether, for the prevention of pain in surgical operations, containing a numerous collection of cases in which it has been applied, with the names of the operators : history of the discovery–description of the apparatus–method of preparing the ether–remarks as to the time when the operation should commence, etc. … / by James Robinson.
AccessKey: adro
Author: Robinson, James, 1813-1862.
WLM Call Number: WO 278 E8 R662 1847 RB
Accession NO.: Copy 1, 2083 ; Copy 2, RB867
Publisher: London : Webster, 1847.
Physical Description: 63 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Provenance: Inscribed on copy 1 half title, “to Reid, With Kind Regards of the Author.”
Subject: Case Reports.
Subject: Ether, Sulphuric.
Subject: Ether, Sulphuric – history.
Subject: Anesthesia, Inhalation.
Type of Trace: Short Title
Title: A treatise on the inhalation of the vapour of ether.
Type of Trace: Precedes
Title: A treatise on the inhalation of the vapour of ether for the prevention
of pain in surgical operations [1983].
General Notes: Copy 2 bound by Bernard Middleton.
General Notes: This work was reprinted, with a preface by Richard Ellis, in 1983.
General Notes: This work is considered to be the first textbook ever written on ether
anesthesia. Published in March 1847, it ante-dated John Snow’s “On the
Inhalation of the Vapour of Ether,” published in October 1847.
General Notes: Copy 1 in phase box.
General Notes: Digitized by Northern Micrographics June 22, 2010. Digitized WLM Reprint.