Siebold ECJ von. Über die Anwendung der Schwefel-Äther-Dämpfe in der Geburtshülfe, 1847.

WLMD ID: adjb

Catalog Record: Siebold ECJ von. Über die Anwendung der Schwefel-Äther-Dämpfe in der Geburtshülfe, 1847.

Title: Über die Anwendung der Schwefel-Äther-Dämpfe in der Geburtshülfe / Eduard Casp. Jac. von Siebold.

AccessKey: adjb

Author: Siebold, Eduard Caspar Jacob von, 1801-1861.

WLM Call Number: WO 278 E8 S420 1847 RB

Accession NO.: RB9546

Publisher: Göttingen : Dieterich Buchhandlung, 1847.

Physical Description: 27 p. ; 24 cm.

Language: ger

Subject: Analgesia, Obstetrical.
Subject: Obstetrics.
Subject: Anesthesiology – Germany.
Subject: Anesthesia, Obstetrical.

Type of Trace: Translation Of
Title: On the use of sulphuric ether vapors in obstetrics.

General Notes: In phase box.

General Notes: Siebold, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology, began his clinical trials on ether for obstetric patients on February 24, 1847, soon after the news of Simpson’s obstetric anesthesia reached him. This paper, “On the use of sulphuric ether vapors in obstetrics,” was read on May 8, 1847 at the Royal Society of Sciences of Göttingen, and later published in Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, the proceedings of the society. This could be considered the first anesthetic, and the first obstetric anesthesia conducted in Germany.

General Notes: Digitized by Northern Micrographics October 22, 2009.

General Notes: Reprinted from Abhandlungen, Bd. 3, of the Königliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen.

Note Bib: Footnotes.