Urban H. Eversole, M.D.*

Dr. Urban H. Eversole assumed the office of President of the American Society of
Anesthesiologists at the close of the Annual Meeting of the Society in Houston on November 10.
Dr. Eversole, who has been a member of this Society since 1936, is Head of the Department of
Anesthesiology at Lahey Clinic in Boston.
Having served as Second Vice President of the Society, as a member of the Board of Directors,
as Chairman of various committees including the Committee on the Liaison with the American
Board of Anesthesiology during the past year, Dr. Eversole is eminently qualified by his long
membership and his activities in the Society to carry on the programs and policies that are
already under way, and to take new steps for the betterment of the Society and the Specialty. All
the members of the ASA join in wishing Dr. Eversole well in his new undertaking and extend
to him an offer of assistance and cooperation in the execution of the duties of his new office.
ASA Newsletter. 1950;14(12).