Fothergill J. Observations on the recovery of a man dead in appearance by distending the lungs with air.
Catalog Record: Fothergill J. Observations on the recovery of a man dead in appearance by distending the lungs with air.
AccessKey: afbq
Title: Observations on the recovery of a man dead in appearance by distending the lungs with air / by John Fothergill.
Author: Fothergill, John, 1712-1780.
WLM Call Number: WO 250 F82 1980 RB
Accession NO.: RB828
Publisher: Van Nuys, Calif. : printed for K. Garth Huston by Richard J. Hoffman, 1980.
Physical Descrip 13 p. : 26 cm.
General Notes: Donated to the Wood Library Museum by Dr. K. Garth Huston, M.D., Oct. 1980.
General Notes: “175 copies … following the original copy for spelling, punctuation
and capitalization have been printed for K. Garth Huston, M.D. as a
keepsake for the joint meeting of the Zamorano and Roxburghe Clubs, San
Francisco, September 13-14, 1980.–Colophon.
General Notes: Reprint. Originally published: London : 1745.
General Notes: Digitized by Northern Micrographics in Batch 15, December 2014.
General Notes: Notes by Huston, pages 11-13.