- Adams D. Directions for recovering persons who are supposed to be dead from drowning : Humane Society of Philadelphia, 1806.
- Bartlett J. A discourse on the subject of animation, 1792.
- Bosworth N. The accidents of human life : with hints for their prevention, or the removal of their consequences, 1813.
- Bruhier d’Ablaincourt JJ. The uncertainty of the signs of death, and the danger of precipitate interments and dissections demonstrated, I., II., III..with proper directions, both for preventing such accidents, and repairing the misfortunes brought upon the constitution by them. To the whole is added a curious and entertaining account of the funeral solemnities of many ancient and modern nations, exhibiting precautions they made use of to ascertain the certainty of death, 1746.
- Cajola G. Istruzione sulla morte-apparente e sul mezzo piu’ sicuro de impedire la tumulazione dei vivi, 1809.
- Cary S. An address to the members of the Merrimack Humane Society : at their annual meeting in Newburyport, Sept. 2, 1806.
- Cogan T. Memoirs of the society instituted at Amsterdam in favour of drowned persons : for the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, and 1771.
- Coleman E. A dissertation on suspended respiration, from drowning, hanging, and suffocation : in which is recommended a different mode of treatment to any hitherto pointed out, 1791.
- Colhoun S. An essay on suspended animation, 1823.
- Cullen W. A letter to Lord Cathcart, president of the Board of Police in Scotland concerning the recovery of persons drowned and seemingly dead, 1776.
- Cullen W. A letter to Lord Cathcart, president of the Board of Police in Scotland, concerning the recovery of persons drowned and seemingly dead : to which is added, an extract from the Journals of the Board of Police, containing a paper presented by Lord Cathcart to that honourable Board on the same subject, 1784.
- Curry J. Popular observations on apparent death from drowning, suffocation, &c. : with an account of the means to be employed for recovery, 1792.
- Emerson W. A discourse, delivered in the First Church, Boston, on the anniversary of the Massachusetts Humane Society, 1807.
- Fothergill A. An new inquiry into the suspension of vital action, in cases of drowning and suffocation : being an attempt to concentrate into a more luminous point of view the scattered rays of science, respecting that interesting though mysterious subject. To elucidate the proximate cause, to appretiate [sic] the present remedies, and to point out the best method of restoring animation, 1795.
- Fothergill J. Observations on the recovery of a man dead in appearance by distending the lungs with air.
- Jackson R. A physical dissertation on drowning : in which submersion, commonly call’d drowning, is shewn to be a long time consistent with the continuance of life … : to which is subjoined, The proper measures for recovery and relief … : with an appendix, containing some methods for the recovery of those who hang themselves, and of children supposed to be born dead, 1746.
- Johnson G. An essay on asphyxia (apnoea), 1889.
- Kite C. An essay on the recovery of the apparently dead; being the essay to which the Humane Society’s medal was adjudged, 1788.
- Kite C. Essays and observations, physiological and medical on the submersion of animals, and on the resin of the acoroides resinifera, or yellow resin from Botany Bay : to which are added, select histories of diseases with remarks, 1795.
- Morse J. A sermon preached before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at their semi-annual meeting, June 9th, 1801.
- Orfila MP. A practical treatise on poisons and asphyxies, adapted to general use : followed by directions for the treatment of burns and for the distinction of real from apparent death, 1826.
- Orfila MP. Directions for the treatment of persons who have taken poison, and those in a state of apparent death : together with the means of detecting poisons and adulterations in wine; also of distinguishing real from apparent death, 1818.
- Resuscitation : an historical perspective : a catalogue of an exhibit at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists in San Francisco, October 11-13, 1976.
- Robbins C. A discourse delivered before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at their semiannual meeting, June 14th, 1796.
- Royal Humane Society. Annual report of the Royal Humane Society for the Recovery of Persons Apparently Dead, 1816.
- Royal Humane Society. Annual report of the Royal Humane Society, for the recovery of persons apparently dead, 1814.
- Royal Humane Society. Annual report, 1799.
- Royal Humane Society. Annual report, 1803.
- Royal Humane Society. Annual report, published for the anniversary festival, 1798.
- Royal Humane Society. The fifty second annual report of the Royal Humane Society, instituted 1774, to collect and circulate the most approved and effectual methods for recovering persons apparently drowned or dead : to suggest and provide suitable apparatus for, and bestow rewards on those who assist in the preservation and restoration of life, 1826.
- Royal Humane Society. The fifty third annual report of the Royal Humane Society, instituted 1774, to collect and circulate the most approved and effectual methods for recovering persons apparently drowned or dead : to suggest and provide suitable apparatus for, and bestow rewards on those who assist in the preservation and restoration of life, 1827.
- Royal Humane Society. The forty-eighth annual report of the Royal Humane Society, for the recovery of persons apparently drowned or dead, 1822.
- Royal Humane Society. The forty-ninth annual report of the Royal Humane Society, for the recovery of persons apparently drowned or dead, 1823.
- Royal Humane Society. The seventy-fourth annual report of the Royal Humane Society, instituted 1774, to collect and circulate the most approved and effectual methods for recovering persons apparently drowned or dead : to suggest and provide suitable apparatus for, and bestow rewards on those who assist in the preservation and restoration of life, 1848.
- Royal Medical & Chirurgical Society. An inquiry into the phenomena attending death by drowning and the means of promoting resuscitation in the apparently drowned; report of a committee appointed by the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, 1904.
- Silvester HR. The discovery of the physiological method of inducing respiration in cases of apparent death from drowning, chloroform, still-birth, noxious gases, etc., etc., 1863.
- Struve CA. A practical essay on the art of recovering suspended animation : together with a review of the most proper and effectual means to be adopted in cases of imminent danger, 1802.
- White DA. An address, to the members of the Merrimack Humane Society : at their anniversary meeting, in Newburyport, Sept. 3, 1805.