Silvester HR. The discovery of the physiological method of inducing respiration in cases of apparent death from drowning, chloroform, still-birth, noxious gases, etc., etc., 1863.
Catalog Record: Silvester HR. The discovery of the physiological method of inducing respiration in cases of apparent death from drowning, chloroform, still-birth, noxious gases, etc., etc., 1863.
Title: The discovery of the physiological method of inducing respiration in cases of apparent death from drowning, chloroform, still-birth, noxious gases, etc., etc. / by Henry R. Silvester.
AccessKey: acsa
Author: Silvester, Henry R.
WLM Call Number: WO 250 Si39 1863 RB
Accession NO.: 4220
Publisher: London : John Churchill & Sons, 1863
Edition: 3rd ed.
Physical Description: 46 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
Provenance: Gift from Ralph M. Waters, November 1967. Includes Dr. Waters’
signature at lower right corner of title page.
Subject: Respiration – physiology.
Subject: Resuscitation.
Subject: Resuscitation – methods.
Subject: Death, Apparent.
Abstract: In this work, Silvester advocates the induction of respiration and the
extension of the victim’s chest capacity by lifting the ribs and the
sternum through steady extension of the arms to the side of the head.
This action would enable the air to rush into the lungs.
General Notes: Digitized by Northern Micrographics June 22, 2010.
General Notes: The principles advocated in this edition were recommended by the Royal
Medical and Chirurgical Society to be the foundation of the new
regulations of the Royal Humane Society.