Hyderabad Chloroform Commissions. 9 of 11 works. The Report of the Second Hyderabad Chloroform Commission. Appendix B, 1890.
Catalog Record: Hyderabad Chloroform Commissions. 9 of 11 works. The Report of the Second Hyderabad Chloroform Commission. Appendix B, 1890.
Title: The Hyderabad Chloroform Commission : the report of the second commission : appendix B.
AccessKey: adul
Corp. Author: Hyderabad Chloroform Commission.
Corp. Author: The Lancet.
WLM Call Number: WO 278 C5 H992 1890 RB 9
Accession NO.: RB9017
Publisher: London : Lancet, 1890.
Physical Descrip: 1140-1142 p. ; 27 cm
Language: eng
Subject: Hyderabad Chloroform Commissions.
Subject: Chloroform.
Type of Trace: Printed In
Title: The lancet, May 24, 1890, 1140-1142.
Abstract: Appendix B of the Second Commission Report appeared after the
publication of Appendix C which had been published in the Lancet on
March 1, 1890. It describes various experiments investigating the
effects of chloroform on animals. The experiments were designed to
measure the amount of chloroform administered, and the effect on blood
pressure, on the movement of the heart, and on respiration.
General Notes: Digitized by Northern Micrographics in Batch 15, December 2014.
General Notes: Ninth of 11 works on the Hyderabad Chloroform Reports enclosed in a
single phase box.