Landsteiner K and Levine P. On individual differences in human blood, 1928.
Catalog Record: Landsteiner K and Levine P. On individual differences in human blood, 1928.
Title: On individual differences in human blood / by K. Landsteiner and Philip Levine.
AccessKey: adkb
Author: Landsteiner, Karl, 1868-1943.
Author: Levine, Philip.
WLM Call Number: WB 356 L22 1928 RB
Accession No.: RB9016
Publisher: [Baltimore, Md.] : Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 1928.
Physical Descrip: 757-775 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
Language: eng
Subject: Blood Transfusion.
Type of Trace: Printed In
Title: The journal of experimental medicine, vol 47, 757-775.
Abstract: “A clear-cut differentiation of human blood, aside from the blood groups, could be made by means of special agglutinating immune sera. The observations point to the existence of several agglutinable factors for which no agglutinins are demonstrable in normal human sera. In view of the latter circumstance the results reported do not imply any change in the scheme of the four blood groups. The body of serological evidence leads to the inference of a high degree of biochemical differentiation among individuals”–summary (p. 774).
General Notes: The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol 47, 757-775. May 1, 1928. Copyright, 1928, by The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research New York. As of 11/18/2008 a pdf of the article is available on the Journal of Experimental Medicine’s website:
General Notes: Digitized by Northern Micrographics March 10, 2010.
Note Bib: References.