Blood Transfusion
- Blundell J. Observations on transfusion of blood, with a description of his Gravitator, 1828-29.
- Blundell J. Some account of a case of obstinate vomiting, in which an attempt was made to prolong life, by the injection of blood into the veins, 1819.
- Boyle R. A confirmation of the experiments, mentioned in Numb 27, to have been made by Signor Fracassati in Italy, by injecting acid liquors into blood, 1667.
- Elsholtz JS. Clysmatica nova, sive ratio, qua in venam sectam medicamenta immuti possint, ut eodem modo, ac si per os assumpta fuissent, operentus : in animantibus per drastica, in homine per leniora heotenus probata, & adserta, 1665.
- Feinblatt HM. Transfusion of blood, 1926.
- Ferrein A. An transfusio sanguinis in aminalibus sive ejusdem, sive diversae speciei sit possibilis, & utilis, 1732.
- Landsteiner K and Levine P. On individual differences in human blood, 1928.
- Lower R. An account of the experiment of transfusion, practised upon a man in London, 1667.
- Lower R. The method observed in transfusing the bloud [blood] out of one animal into another, 1666.
- Lower R. Tractatus de corde. Item de motu & colore sanguinis et chyli in eum transitu, 1669.
- Major JD. Chirurgia infusoria, placidis cl: virorum dubiis impugnata, cum modesta, ad eadem, responsione, 1667.
- Mantegazza P. Ricerche sperimentali sull ‘origine della fibrina e sulla causa della coagulazione del sangue, 1871.
- Merklin GA. Tractatio med. curiosa, de ortu & occasu transfusionis sanguinis, qua haec, quae fit e bruto in brutum, a foro medico penitus eliminatur, illa quae e bruto in hominem peragitur, refutatur, & ista, quae ex homine in hominem exercetur, ad experientiae examen relegatur, 1679.
- Ponfick E. Experimentelle Beiträge zur Lehre von der transfusion, 1875.
- Riddell VH. Blood transfusion, 1939.
- Santinelli B. Confusio transfusionis sive, confutatio operationis transfundentis sanguinem de individuo ad individuum, 1668.
- Simili A. Origine e vicende della trasfusione del sangue : considerazioni storico-critiche, viii tavole fuori testo, 1933.