Simili A. Origine e vicende della trasfusione del sangue : considerazioni storico-critiche, viii tavole fuori testo, 1933.
Catalog Record: Simili A. Origine e vicende della trasfusione del sangue : considerazioni storico-critiche, viii tavole fuori testo, 1933.
Title: Origine e vicende della trasfusione del sangue : considerazioni storico-critiche, viii tavole fuori testo.
AccessKey: adkf
Author: Simili, Alessandro.
WLM Call Number: WB 356 Si41 1933 RB
Accession NO.: RB9410
Publisher: Bologna : Cooperativa tip. Azzoguidi, 1933.
Physical Description: 164 p. : ill., plates : 26 cm.
Language: ita
Subject: Blood Transfusion – history.
Type of Trace: Not Applicable
Title: Origin and history of blood transfusion.
Abstract: This text on the history of blood transfusion is divided into three sections. The first describes transfusion in antiquity. It is followed by a section on the experimental era of blood transfusion from 1628 to the end of the 18th century. The last section deals with the therapeutic and practical era from the end of the 18th century to the
author’s time.
General Notes: Numerous plates of historical portraits and illustrations intersperse in the book.
General Notes: Digitized by Northern Micrographics March 10, 2010.
General Notes: In phase box.
Note Bib: Footnotes and bibliography: p. [161]-164.