Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Anesthesia
- Amory R. Physiological action of nitrous oxide, as shown by experiments on man and lower animals, 1870.
- Barker GT. An essay on the abuse of nitrous oxide, with discussions upon the same, before the Pennsylvania Association of Dental Surgeons, February 13, 1877.
- Barker GT. Instructions in the preparation, administration, and properties of nitrous oxide, protoxide of nitrogen, or laughing gas, 1866.
- Barton WPC. A dissertation on the chymical properties and exhilarating effects of nitrous oxide gas : and its application to pneumatick medicine, 1808.
- Boothby WM. Nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthesia, with a description of a new apparatus, 1911.
- Cotton FJ and Boothby WM. Nitrous oxide-oxygen-ether anaesthesia : notes on administration : a perfected apparatus, 1912.
- Davy H. Researches, chemical and philosophical, chiefly concerning nitrous oxide, or dephlogisticated nitrous air, and its respiration, 1800.
- Fox CJ. On nitrous oxide, 1869.
- Hewitt FW. The administration of nitrous oxide and oxygen for dental operations, 1897.